Re: How do you backup your work?
Having done more research, I realize that I will need to migrate off of DropBox to a more secure system, at least for my more confidential work. Although Sony is stopping producing writeable blu-ray …1 -
Re: How do you backup your work?
Being able to get specific older versions from backups is super helpful, on top of having backups of my current work. I do not need this super often, but maybe a couple of times a year this is highly…2 -
Re: How do you backup your work?
For my current active projects, I have local copies of things, plus use local and remote Git. Any old stuff that is not in Git, is in directories backed up by DropBox or Google Drive. Git used to be …1 -
Re: How to Create Variable Color Fonts?
FontLab 8 can export color variable fonts directly, including COLRv1+CPAL. I think version 8.4 may include a profile out of the box for it (I have one in my own setup, but I might have added it). If…2 -
Re: Optical typography
> The problem is that em box as a scale factor doesn't mean anything. That is simply false. The em is the unit that the rendering engine scales to the desired point size. That is all that it is, a…1